 Cotton Cuts donates 65 Quilts to Children in Need Through the Linus Project

Cotton Cuts donates 65 Quilts to Children in Need Through the Linus Project

4th Apr 2019

Cotton Cuts Heart Builders are volunteers from all across the US who each play a role in getting a quilt from start to finish in creating amazing quilts for children in need. On March 15th the Cotton Cuts Heart Builders were able to make 65 quilts for the Linus Project. Wow!!

Cotton Cuts has a network of hundreds Heart Builders, who are volunteers from all across the US who each play a role in getting a quilt from start to finish. They use both Top Makers and Finishers who donate their time to assist in making these donations possible.

This quarter the amazing Cotton Cuts Volunteers made quilts for the wonderful organization, the Linus Project. Project Linus, a non-profit organization, provides homemade blankets to children in need. Their blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different sources. Project Linus National Headquarters is located in Belton, Missouri.

The mission of Project Linus is to first Provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.” Second to Provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.

Cotton is honored to partner with Project Linus to help children in need and humbled by the generosity of the time given by the Cotton Cuts Heart Builders to make this amazing donation of 65 quilts possible. The Heart Builders have given months of their own time.

Also donated, was a nine patch quilt made by visitors of the Cotton Cuts Collective grand opening. On January 26, 2019 Cotton Cut opened a Sewing and Event Space in the Chesterfield Mall in Chesterfield, MO. Guests were welcomed to sewing a 9 piece quilt block to later be donated. How beautiful is the finished quilt?

Cotton Cuts would like to thank all of their wonderful volunteers for making this Heart Builders donation so successful.